Leaving Larnaca on the road to Nicosia, there is a village of Avdellero signposted. From this village, there is an old road to Athienou ( see map below) and just 2/3 miles before Athienou, there is a farm owned by a friend of mine called Nikos.
Nikos is now in his 80s and he even remembers my grandfather who died in 1958. I stumbled across the farm one day when I stopped to admire some Goats he had in an enclosure at the front.
Nikos arrived while I was there and we got talking and that’s when I discovered that he knew all my family and friends. Since then, I always make a point of visiting Nikos at the farm every time I am in Cyprus, my daughter loves to see the animals too.
Although I have posted about this farm before, I took more video footage on this visit and decided to share it with you.