As you leave Larnaca airport, heading west towards the village of Kiti, at the village of Meneou, there is a trailer on the left that makes the most diving ‘Loukmades’ (Honey Balls) you will ever have.
In Greece, loukoumades are commonly spiced with cinnamon in a honey syrup and can be sprinkled lightly with powdered sugar. Loukoumades are a traditional Greek dessert with roots in deep antiquity, although some disagreement exists over which historical Greek honey-cake is the ancestor of the modern loukoumas, whose present name is borrowed from Arabic via Turkish. The candidate most frequently mentioned as being prepared with hot oil is enkris, which is described below along with other postulated ancestral honey-cakes.
A dish very similar to loukoumades is described by Archestratus, a Greek poet from Sicily, was enkris (Greek: ἐγκρίς, plural ἐγκρίδες) — a dough-ball fried in olive oil, which he details in his Gastronomy; a work now lost, but partially preserved in the Deipnosophists of Athenaeus, which mentions ‘Enkris’ thirteen times, in various inflected forms. There are cakes, also, called ἐγκρίδες. These are cakes boiled in oil, and after that seasoned with honey.
The lady busy cooking them fresh to order, they are served hot, crispy on the outside the way they should be and the Syrup just tastes divine!
The Loukmades being cooked. For just €3.00 you get TWENTY!!! Imagine that? I can assure you that you may have very good intention in the world when you buy them, assuming you will take some home for friends or family, but along the way, you will just decide to eat the WHOLE LOT!
This is something you just HAVE to try if you go to Cyprus.