When I visited Agoi Vavatsinia, I met a lovely couple who were from the village of Vasileia, which is a few miles west of Kyrenia. ‘Kostis & Avgousta’ have been together since 1957 and clearly love each other to bits. When they arrived at the restaurant where we were due to meet, they were holding hands! It was one of the sweetest sights I have ever seen.
I spoke to them quite a bit during the day and watching them was really amazing, since the day the got married, he calls her his ‘Πέρδικα’ (Partridge) We were sat outside drinking coffee and Avgusta was inside talking to the ladies, after a little while (less than half an hour) Kostis got up and mumbled something about wondering where Avgousta is, he went to find her because he always wanted her to be by his side.
Some time ago, Avgousta was in hospital with a Kidney infection and a friend who was visiting, found Kosti sat at the dining table with his head in his hands crying, he said…..
“My Partridge is in hospital and I can’t be without her”
I just had to take a short video of them, a tall order with everyone talking so much, but never mind, it was still a pleasure.
by Antony Antoniou